Monday, February 2, 2015

OOTD #8: My Inner Gangsta ;)

Recently my page views have sky rocketed and I am so grateful for all the attention my blog has gotten.  Since I now have many fans I will definitely post more often.  If anyone has any suggestions for what I should post in the future I will take every comment and submission into consideration. 

For today's post, I am doing another outfit of the day because what I wore today was a little different from my normal look.  I felt a little more daring and edgy today and wanted to see what kind of outfit that I could put together with my new jeans since I have not worn them before.  For my makeup, I kept it super simple with my Flamed Out mascara by Covergirl and a NYX matte lip cream in Ibiza, it is such a pretty shade! 

My Pluto sweater is from Kohl's.  I found it on the clearance rack for $10.80!! I love Disney so when I saw this top, I needed to get it!! The jeans I am wearing are the brand Blue Spice and I purchased them from TJ Maxx for $17! They are a little baggy but, I kind of like the relaxed look they give off.  The reason I bought these jeans was because I thought the random patches of stitching looked kind of like Frankenstein.  Plus, I love the acid-wash look because it is not super dramatic like some of the other jeans I have seen in stores.  My boots are by the brand Candie's and they used to be my sister's.  I love how versatile they are, you can wear them with jeans, dresses, skirts, leggings... anything! My gold chain necklace is from Rue 21 and if you want a better look at it, check out my last post, How to Wear Pleather Pants.  Lastly, I threw on a grey beanie that I purchased from Forever 21 for $3.80!! Overall, I think this outfit is edgy but also a little girly, I really like the way this outfit turned out!
Thank you for checking out my blog! Again, please leave comments on some suggestions you may have or even to just say something nice. :) I hope you all have a great day and stop back again because I will be posting more often!! ♥Maddie

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